

Great news!

Eos Family software version 2.3.0 and up has improved Lightwright support. While we work on improving this article, please refer to the Eos Family v2.3.0 Operations Manual Supplement for more information.

To access the Lightwright Import feature, go to the Browser and select:

  1. The Advanced Elements is a user-friendly kayak. It has a compact design, and it’s easy to inflate and deflate. Unlike most of the inflatable kayaks on the market that feature six inflation chambers, this kayak only features 4, which facilitates the process of getting it ready for the water.
  2. Almost 7 years after Lightwright 5 was released, version 6 is making it’s debut. This video briefly demonstrates most of the major new features.

Check Price on Amazon. The Drive Medical Blue Streak is one of the best-selling lightweight wheelchairs with a wide seat for comfort. This is a highly rated wheelchair and a great buy with detachable desk arms. Lightwright is an iconic industry standard on Broadway and in other areas of live entertainment, and was created to help designers and electricians record and keep track of the vast amount of data needed to install and maintain a lighting installation.


File>Import> Lightwright>Location of file to be imported> File name.txt

Eos will only display *.txt files in this menu. Additionally, Eos will only successfully import a tab delineated file with windows character returns.

If you are a Mac user you must pay close attention to how you export your file from Lightwright. Mac will sometimes remove the .txt from the file extension. You may need to manually add this back to the file name in the finder on Mac.

During the import process Eos is looking from the following column headers; Purpose, Channel, Dimmer, Color, Circuit Name, Circuit#, and Device Type.

Import Map:

EOS < ver.1.2.0

Lightwright 4

Lightwright 5







Text 1



Text 2

Circuit Name

Circuit Name

Text 3



Text 4



Notes (not a query field)

Not mapped. If 'Light' is in the field, Eos import allows the associated fields to map. REQUIRED FOR IMPORT

Device Type(Instrument type has to be fixture to be marked as 'Light' other instrument types will NOT import)

Device Type(all instrument types export as 'Light'. Fixtures with multiple attributes only patch the first line. Import will not select your fixture type in patch.)

It is extremely important to note that Eos will not import any rows that say anything other than 'Light' in the 'Device Type' column. Lightwright 4 will change the fields listed in the device type column based on what Instrument type you use. On the other hand Lightwright 5 seems to input 'Light' for every instrument type. I have yet to figure out if this 'Device Type' field will change under any circumstance in LW5. There is not a direct way to change this field inside the Lightwright program.

Where to Begin? The process is different depending on your Lightwright version.

If you have Lightwright 4...

Start by opening the Lightwright Show file you wish to import.

Click on File>Export>Data

This will bring you into the 'export options' dialogue box.

From here the simple sure-fire-way is to place a check mark next to every field in the white scrolling window. But you could just select the fields you wish to import. Thedevice typeis not optional.

NOTE: Eos only reads the following fields:

  • Purpose

  • Channel

  • Dimmer

  • Color

  • Circuit Name

  • Circuit#


Place another check mark in the box next to the following options:

  • 'Export field labels as first record'

  • 'Strip channel parentheses ()'.

​​​​Additionally, make sure the radio button is selected for 'Tab Separated' in the Export File Type box. If you are a Mac user you will have to replace the Mac character returns with Windows character returns. (This is done in the actual Text file and can be a bit cumbersome. LW5 make this much simpler.)

Your window should look like the following screen shot. Then click on 'OK'

This should bring you to the Export File dialog box. Here you can give your file a name. It is important to save it with a *.TXT file extension. Eos will not see it otherwise. (It is recommended that you export it right to your USB drive.) Then Click 'Save'

If you have Lightwright 5...

Start by opening the Lightwright Show file you wish to import.

Click on File>Export>Data

This will bring you into export options.

From here the simple sure-fire way is to place a check mark next to every field in the scrolling window to the left. But you could just select the fields you wish to import. Thedevice typeis not optional. It must be selected.

Lightweight Portable Oxygen Concentrator

NOTE: Eos only reads the following fields: (note that in LW5 you can order these fields any way you please. Though it has no bearing on how the information will import into Eos.)

  • Purpose
  • Channel
  • Dimmer
  • Color
  • Circuit Name
  • Circuit#

​Make sure the radio button is selected for 'All Worksheet Data' and 'Tab Separated'.

Lightwright 6 Tutorial

Place another check mark in the box next to the following options:

  • 'Export field labels as first record'
  • 'Strip channel parentheses ()'.
  • Mac users will additionally have to mark'Use Microsoft Windows Line Endings'

Lightweight Portable Oxygen Concentrator

Your window should look like the following screen shot. Then click on 'Export the data'

This should bring you to the Export File dialog box. Here you can give your file a name. It is important to save it with a *.TXT file extension. Eos will not see it otherwise. (It is recommended that you export it right to your USB drive.) Then Click 'Save'.


After exporting your Lightwright 4 or Lightwright 5 file, import your file into Eos.

  1. Place the USB drive that contains your exported *.TXT file into an available USB port on the Eos console.
  2. Navigate in the browser to Lightwright import.
    File> Import> Lightwright
  3. Locate your USB drive and navigate to the file you wish to import.
  4. Highlight the file name and press [select].

Lightwright 5

Congratulations!You are now done importing your Lightwright text fields.