Hubspot Wordpress

HubSpot, however, is an all-in-one platform that has analytics, marketing automation, and lead management as built-in features. For developers, WordPress provides lots of themes and templates that are completely customizable but at the same time highly competitive in the theme’s marketplace. WordPress is a popular open-source CMS that gives users a platform to build on with custom solutions. CMS Hub takes the pain out of managing your website, and allows you to focus on building campaigns and content that result in growth. CMS Hub is a cloud-based content management system (CMS).

Looking for an easier way to connect HubSpot with WordPress? Need more flexibility and features for your HubSpot forms?

HubSpot offers a live form builder, but if you’ve tried them you already know you have to embed code to implement and update. That can be a hassle, and not something you can always do yourself.

Not generating the quantity and quality of contacts and leads you believe your business is capable of? Your forms are probably part of the problem. It’s hard to reach full potential using the basic forms most builders offer.

Connecting HubSpot with WordPress through Ninja Forms is your answer. You don’t need to struggle with code or bring in help to get any HubSpot form live on your site & working perfectly. You can very easily create new contacts, companies, deals, and more directly in your HubSpot account from any WordPress form.

Your answer is here.

Turn any WordPress form into a HubSpot form in just two steps

With the Ninja Forms HubSpot CRM add-on activated with your account API credentials in place, turning any WordPress form into a HubSpot form takes just two steps:

  1. Add a HubSpot action to any form
  2. Designate the fields on the form that will connect to the fields in your HubSpot account

That’s literally all there is to it.

Connect with all the features of your HubSpot account

No matter what information you need sent over into HubSpot, you can do it. The Ninja Forms HubSpot add-on will let you connect any form field to fields in your account to create new:

  • Contacts
  • Companies
  • Deals
  • Tickets

Link your Deals & Tickets to Contacts & Companies, set stages and status, take full control of the data passed with each new form submission. Without enlisting a developer for help.

Easily optimize your forms for conversion and growth

Stop limiting your forms and your business to passively collecting data. Use Ninja Forms calculations on your HubSpot form to rank and score lead quality. Take advantage of a rich text editor directly on the form to offer incentives. Use form actions to automatically deliver. Send email notifications immediately on form submission. Customize what actions fire alongside HubSpot with Conditional Logic… and so much more.

You can increase the quality and quantity of leads you’re bringing in, starting right now. This one small move can make the difference. Connect HubSpot with WordPress through Ninja Forms today!

Your business website can serve as the perfect marketing tool. When launching it, you want to use the best platform available. With various services at hand, choosing the right one can seem complicated. Once you get to the crucial details, like marketing, SEO, and analytics, that choice could be overwhelming.

You’ve likely already heard of the HubSpot CMS hub, and if you’re frequently online, you know a WordPress website when you see it. So, which CMS platform should you choose?

In this article, you’ll find out about the crucial differences and specific features of each content management system. We’ll go over their pricing options and other details, giving you a clear picture of what’s the best fit for your business.

Table of Contents

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At a Glance

Both platforms are intended for web design, CMS, and more. Here’s an overview of their basic features and pricing plans:


What It Offers

As a marketing company, HubSpot created the HubSpot COS with a sharp focus on marketing automation. In particular, it’s the integration with HubSpot’s marketing, SEO, inbound marketing, and analytics tools that make it stand out.

How Much Does It Cost?

Hubspot Wordpress Plugin

Intended for professionals, HubSpot’s CMS comes in two annually billed pricing options: Professional and Enterprise.

  • Professional: Costs $270 per month. The plan covers website building tools, along with SEO, marketing, and analytics features.
  • Enterprise: Starts at $900 per month and greatly expands on the features offered in Professional.


What It Offers

The WordPress CMS is probably most famous as a blogging platform. It’s an open-source platform with its place in content marketing, although it’s not primarily intended for marketing. Like Squarespace, it’s more geared towards content creation than digital marketing.

How Much Does It Cost?

Hosted WordPress CMS comes in four pricing plans, charged annually: Personal, Premium, Business, and eCommerce.

  • Personal: Priced at $4 per month, it covers the basics such as a free domain and payment collection.
  • Premium: Costs $8 per month. This plan adds a variety of WordPress themes, video and live chat support, as well as integration for Google Analytics.
  • Business: At $25 per month, it covers the Premium offer and expands it with SEO options and other advanced features.
  • eCommerce: Priced at $45 per month. The plan turns the WordPress CMS more into a marketing platform than a blog post hub.

3 Vital Aspects of Online Business and Digital Marketing

When it comes to your marketing strategy and marketing automation, we can’t understate the impact your landing page can have. Additionally, your website should serve as an analytics and SEO tool with great efficiency. Here’s how the two platforms compare when it comes to access to data, analytics, and website page building.

Access to Data

HubSpot – Access to Data

You can export almost every form of data from your HubSpot website. This includes landing page data and website traffic information, as well as social media messages, keyword, and email data. You can also see the blogging, CRM, and marketing info.

WordPress – Access to Data

Similar to the competitor, WordPress gives you broad access to CRM data. You can easily export and review the landing page and blogging performance statistics to determine how well your WordPress site is doing as a marketing hub.


HubSpot – Analytics

The HubSpot platform sports excellent analytics features. With HubSpot analytics built into the CMS, your website can immediately produce valuable marketing and CRM data.

You can view inbound marketing, social media, and lead generation trends, which can aid you in further SEO optimization. The analytics tool included in the platform will do wonders for your digital marketing and help you build the ideal buyer persona.

WordPress – Analytics

While WordPress doesn’t have built-in analytics, every WordPress developer can tell you a well-known fact. There’s a plugin for everything. This applies to analytics and other functions of a WordPress website.

Even better, if you’re running a WordPress website, you can integrate HubSpot analytics as a WordPress plugin and get the best of both worlds.

Hubspot Forms Wordpress

Website Page Building

HubSpot – Website Page Building

Most HubSpot users will have an easy job when using the drag-and-drop interface. Pages are built using modules, and the builder functions on a WYSIWYG principle. You can add inbound marketing links, social media buttons, a HubSpot CTA, and much more smart content.

After effects rolling credits. Whether your site is intended as a web store, marketing center, or for blogging, plenty of options are available. However, if you’d like to dive deeper when it comes to search engine optimization or other advanced functionality, it would be wise to employ a HubSpot developer.

WordPress – Website Page Building

The initial stages of page building won’t be as straightforward in WordPress. However, once again, whatever the issue might be, there’s a plugin for it. We already mentioned how a plugin can make WordPress and HubSpot partner up when it comes to analytics.

The same can be done when it comes to marketing automation, SEO, and almost every other marketing aspect of your site. Similarly, page building can become quick and easy with the right plugins.

HubSpot vs. WordPress: Which One Is Right for Your Business?

Now that you’ve seen how both platforms perform in respect to the crucial aspects and how they can contribute to website traffic, SEO, and marketing in general, it’s time to pass the verdict on which CMS is best for your business, relative to your company’s size.

Best for Small Businesses:

Here, WordPress is the best solution mainly due to pricing. If you need a blogging hub or just a landing page for your startup, there’s no reason to worry about SEO and similar matters too much. Those will become essential fast, but WordPress Premium should have you covered for a start.

Hubspot Wordpress

Best for Medium-Sized Businesses:

Hubspot Wordpress Integration

HubSpot or WordPress. We can’t overlook the powerful marketing and SEO support HubSpot can offer, but both platforms could perform well.

Hubspot Wordpress Course

Best for Enterprise-Level Businesses:

Mp3 studio youtube downloader apk. For businesses that rely heavily on digital marketing and SEO, HubSpot is a pricier but more robust solution. We find the cost more than justified, especially for companies with a larger budget.

Versatility Is Key

We’ve mentioned SEO many times throughout our comparison, and for good reason. Your company’s attitude towards its importance will scale with its size and the competition.

Hubspot Vs Wordpress

Because HubSpot relies heavily on SEO and marketing, it might be ideal for some. However, the versatility of WordPress could be invaluable to others. The decision is ultimately yours.