Fast Pulse

Fast pulse pregnancyFast pulse rate

Like any other illness, asthma has a long list of possible side effects that may accompany it. Learning these is important not only for diagnosing the condition but for understanding when it getting beyond your control. There are two types of asthma symptoms, those that are chronic but comparatively minor in the grand scheme of things and those that are major, severe issues that usually occur when an asthma attack happens. Basically, the main symptoms can be controlled in most cases through regular medication and treatment while the others will likely appear from out of nowhere and need to be addressed just as quickly. A very rapid pulse falls into the latter category.

Causes of High Pulse Rate. High pulse rate is a condition, in which the heart beats at an abnormally fast rate. Though, it need not be life-threatening in all the cases, it. Tachycardia refers to a heart rate that’s too fast. How that’s defined may depend on your age and physical condition. Generally speaking, for adults, a heart rate of more than 100 beats per minute (BPM) is considered too fast. View an animation of tachycardia.

When you experience a rapid pulse as a result of an asthma attack, it's usually caused by two separate things that are both serious in their own way. The first is rooted in a physical cause, and basically involves your body's inability to get enough oxygen to the various parts of it. When you can't breathe deeply enough, your blood won't receive enough oxygen. As a result, your heart will start to pump more quickly in an effort to get the oxygen needed to the different areas of your body. This can give you a rapid pulse.

Fast Pulse During Pregnancy

Fast Pulse

The other cause of a rapid pulse during an asthma attack is psychological. Adobe acrobat pro dc 94fbr. The difficulty breathing that occurs when you're having one can cause you to panic, and cause huge levels of anxiety to occur. That level of fear will often lead to an elevated pulse rate and other issues as well. When it occurs, staying calm may seem like a very difficult task but it is nevertheless one that you should strive to remember. Panic will only raise your heart rate even more, so take the time to ensure that you stay calm and use your emergency medications.

Fast pulse means

Dangers Of High Pulse Rate


While there is no real way to know when you'll be stricken with an asthma attack, following doctor recommendations can help prevent them or at least lessen their frequency and severity. Regular preventative medication is commonly used, and when it is combined with proper treatment techniques you can greatly reduce the level of asthma attack severity you experience. That includes keeping a rapid pulse at bay and keeping yourself conscious, healthy, and happy. Living with asthma is more than possible, and taking the right steps to do so is easier than you might suspect at first glance.