Dbeaver Sybase

  1. Dbeaver Sybase High Availability
  2. Dbeaver Sybase Iq

Please recommend good Sybase database table viewer application (for windows 7) to connect to a sybase server on a Linux box?

Check out popular companies that use DBeaver and some tools that integrate with DBeaver. MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, Sybase, Teradata, MongoDB, Cassandra, Redis, etc. DBeaver is a tool in the Database Tools category of a tech stack. DBeaver is an open source tool with 20K GitHub stars and 1.9K GitHub forks. DBeaver is a free, open source multiplatform database management tool and SQL client for developers and database administrators. DBeaver can be used to access any database or cloud application that has an ODBC or JDBC driver, such as Oracle, SQL Server, MySQl, Salesforce, or MailChimp. DBeaver is free universal SQL client/database tool for developers and database administrators. It can work with any database server which has JDBC or ODBC driver. It supports pluggable extensions. Features: database schema browser, metadata editor (tables, columns, keys, indexes), SQL statements/scripts execution, SQL highlighting. What is DBeaver? It is a free multi-platform database tool for developers, SQL programmers, database administrators and analysts. Supports all popular databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, Sybase, Teradata, MongoDB, Cassandra, Redis, etc.

Dbeaver sybase goDriver
  • Dark theme support was improved (Windows 10 and GTk)
  • Data viewer:
    • Copy As: format configuration editor was added
    • Extra configuration for filter dialog (performance)
    • Sort by column as fixed (for small fetch sizes)
    • Case-insensitive filters support was added
    • Plaintext view now support top/bottom dividers
    • Data editor was fixed (when column name conflicts with alias name)
    • Duplicate row(s) command was fixed for multiple selected rows
    • Edit sub-menu was returned to the context menu
    • Columns auto-size configuration was added
    • Dictionary viewer was fixed (for read-only connections)
    • Current/selected row highlighting support was added (configurable)
  • Metadata search now supports search in comments
  • GIS/Spatial:
    • Map position preserve after tiles change
    • Support of geometries with Z and M coordinates was added
    • Postgis: DDL for 3D geometry columns was fixed
    • Presto + MySQL geometry type support was added
    • BigQuery now supports spatial data viewer
    • Binary geo json support was improved
    • Geometry export was fixed (SRID parameter)
    • Tiles definition editor was fixed (multi-line definitions + formatting)
  • SQL editor:
    • Auto-completion for objects names with spaces inside was fixed
    • Database objects hyperlinks rendering was fixed
  • SQL Server: MFA (multi-factor authentication) support was added
  • PostgreSQL: array data types read was fixed
  • Oracle: indexes were added to table DDL
  • Vertica: LIMIT clause support was improved
  • Athena: extra AWS regions added to connection dialog
  • Sybase IQ: server version detection was improved
  • SAP ASE: user function loading was fixed
  • Informix: cross-database metadata read was fixed
  • We migrated to Eclipse 2021-03 platform

You can find installation instructions here

You can find the latest drivers on the Cloudera website

mkdir ~/.dbeaver-drivers/cloudera-hive/

  1. Navigate to Database > Driver Manager > New
  2. Add all the files from ~/.dbeaver-drivers/cloudera-hive/
  3. Driver name: Hive-Cloudera (for labeling only)
  4. Class name: com.cloudera.hive.jdbc41.HS2Driver (at the time of this writing)
  5. Default port: 10000
  6. URL template: jdbc:hive2://{host}:{port}/{database};AuthMech=1;KrbRealm=FOO.BAR;KrbHostFQDN={server}; KrbServiceName=hive;KrbAuthType=2
    • Note you need to change FOO.BAR to match your krb5.conf settings
  1. In the menu bar Navigate to Database > New Connection
  2. Select Hive-Cloudera
  3. Fill in the appropriate values for host & database (I set database to default)
  4. Set server to be your KrbHostFQDN
  5. Leave your user name & password blank
  6. Test connection
  7. Press next, next, & change the name of this connection as you see fit
  8. Press finish
Dbeaver sybase iq

Dbeaver Sybase High Availability

Congrats you’ve successfully connected to hive using kerberos authentication!

If you are receiving [Cloudera][HiveJDBCDriver](500168) Error creating login context using ticket cache: Unable to obtain Principal Name for authentication make sure to check the following

Dbeaver Sybase Iq

  1. Ensure that you have the latest cryptography libraries installed
    • Java 9 includes these libraries by default
  2. That you’ve configured your /etc/krb5.conf successfully
    • If you’ve done this correctly you should be able to run kinit in terminal and create a ticket without issue
  3. For Windows adding the following lines to your dbeaver.ini may be necessary as well

    • -Djava.security.krb5.conf=c:kerberoskrb5.ini
      • note: this is the windows equivalent of /etc/krb5.conf
    • -Djava.security.auth.login.config=c:kerberosjaas.conf

      • success has also been reported with the following jaas.conf file & keytab usage