Brew Discord

Every day since 2004, Cartoon Brew has delivered the latest news, trends and ideas in animation to over 25,000 different artists, entertainment execs and cartoon aficionados. The site, under the editorial guidance of award-winning author and historian Amid Amidi, who co-created the site, covers a wide range of topics, from cutting-edge computer animation and visual effects for both television and film, to classical techniques like hand-drawn and stop motion. It also covers trends in commercial animation, interactive apps, blockbuster Hollywood features, crowdfunding, and independent filmmaking.

R/NxBrew: Exclusive channel for Nintendo Switch Games, Hacks, CFWs, NSPs, NROs, XCIs etc. Official Moonlit Brew + ACES Discord Moonlit Brew: ComicFury - Patreon ACES: ComicFury  Twitter - Heya, folks! So, as I mentioned over on Twitter for the past week, I've started a job listing on the DA forums to look for the next artist! Incorporating members of MarSara, If Tomorrow Fails, Here Lies Remorse and Tidings They Brought, The Discord is bringing an uplifting yet aggressive style of music providing.


Advertising on Cartoon Brew
If you’d like to advertise your film, TV show, company or other product on Cartoon Brew, please visit our advertising page. We offer opportunities for both corporate sponsors and independent artists and studios.

News Submissions
Feel free to send us links to sites, artists or news stories that you want us to check out, whether it’s your own or somebody else’s. You can contact both of us via our news suggestion form. Only items suggested via this form will be considered for the site; please do not contact us individually. We look at every suggestion we receive, but due to the sheer number of submissions, cannot respond to everybody individually. If you would like to contact Amid for something besides a submission, go here:
Amid Amidi

Reviewing Things on Cartoon Brew
We welcome cool swag to review (books, dvds, toys, etc.), but we make no guarantee that it will result in a post–let alone a positive post. After sending us your product, do not email us repeatedly asking if we will review your product. If we like it and feel it’s appropriate for Cartoon Brew, you’ll eventually see it on the site.

Cartoon Brew
PO Box 150543
Brooklyn, NY 11215

Asking for Critiques/Appraisals
Do not email to ask us for a personal critique of your animation, drawings or personal projects. We will never do that under any circumstance. We also cannot appraise your vintage animation art or film collection.

Brew DiscordBrew Discord

Readers tend to trust CartoonBrew because we try our best to be transparent and upfront with our readers. Both Brewmasters work in various facets of the animation industry, and if we post about something that we are affiliated with, we will always do our best to disclose our connection to the company or project.

Cartoon Brew is independently owned. We accept advertisements on the Brew. For more information, go to our Advertising page. We also receive a modest sum when you purchase products through the Amazon links on our site.

Cartoon Brew is owned by Amid Amidi.


Website and logo designed by Also Design. Revised site design, based on Also’s template, by Rob Kohr.

Cartoon Brew is powered by WordPress.

© 2004-2017 Cartoon Brew LLC. Cartoon Brew is a trademark of Cartoon Brew LLC. All other names and trademarks appearing on are the property of their respective owners. The written content on Cartoon Brew is licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 Creative Commons license.

Moonlit Brew Discord

When we reproduce a copyrighted image or text, we do so using the principle of fair use and only to the extent necessary to comment upon, criticize or discuss it.